Were she thinking rationally and not enraged, Fallon might've been able to realize he had a point in being concerned. In fact, she might have even been touched by how much he cared. However, she was far from rational thought. She was caught up in the particulars of it all and couldn't see the larger picture he was trying to present.
"No, you are a fucking idiot," she replied furiously. She faced him fully as she ranted, unconsciously closing some of the distance between them. "One minute you're bloody fucking kissing me and telling me you care, and the next you're gone. Because you had to rethink your blunders?! You should've fucking thought about them before you came to visit me." If he was that caught up with propriety and rules he had no business writing to her anyway. Especially not about the activities of married couples.
"No, you are a fucking idiot," she replied furiously. She faced him fully as she ranted, unconsciously closing some of the distance between them. "One minute you're bloody fucking kissing me and telling me you care, and the next you're gone. Because you had to rethink your blunders?! You should've fucking thought about them before you came to visit me." If he was that caught up with propriety and rules he had no business writing to her anyway. Especially not about the activities of married couples.