The proposal hadn't prompted the response he'd expected, but Ford was wise enough not to push the issue. He could make it work, or perhaps she and her sister could come without him every once in a while and he could join them whenever possible. It would do everyone some good to be around family more often, not to mention he could use a break from his own.
"I'll take the boys out tomorrow, let's have an evening to ourselves, yes?" He passed her a warm smile. They didn't get nearly enough alone time as he would have liked, but such was life unfortunately. Just another thing to add to his long list of things to feel guilty about. "Would you like to go now, or do you need a minute to get ready?" He could use with a quick splash of water on his own face, but could make due if she was ready to go now.
"I'll take the boys out tomorrow, let's have an evening to ourselves, yes?" He passed her a warm smile. They didn't get nearly enough alone time as he would have liked, but such was life unfortunately. Just another thing to add to his long list of things to feel guilty about. "Would you like to go now, or do you need a minute to get ready?" He could use with a quick splash of water on his own face, but could make due if she was ready to go now.