Jude had to laugh at that last question in sheer incredulity, his frustration falling somewhere between bitter and weary. “Go on then! But when have you ever held your tongue before? For that matter, when have you ever told me anything I wanted to hear?”
Everything that came out of Kieran’s mouth was a verbal shutdown or very bad fucking news.
But fine, let him rant about May Day if he wanted, let him say nothing else about Sandwich - realising just how loud he had gotten, Jude threw up his hands in a gesture of silent surrender... although as well as do what you want it also meant but for the love of God please get up to the attic.
Having a just-transformed-werewolf on the loose would be one way to end an argument.
Everything that came out of Kieran’s mouth was a verbal shutdown or very bad fucking news.
But fine, let him rant about May Day if he wanted, let him say nothing else about Sandwich - realising just how loud he had gotten, Jude threw up his hands in a gesture of silent surrender... although as well as do what you want it also meant but for the love of God please get up to the attic.
Having a just-transformed-werewolf on the loose would be one way to end an argument.