It was strange coming into class and no longer seeing Professor Carmichael. He'd been the divination professor as long as she'd been here, so to walk in to the classroom now was much like it had been her third year except this time she had a prior notion for how and where things ought be done or go. She didn't immediately dislike Shacklebolt, but it was certainly odd. Years of routines gone. And it didn't hurt that Carmichael had been nice to look at.
Still, class was starting and she found herself not minding that Shacklebolt jumped right in rather than spend the day lecturing as she had the week before. It was easily enough to put her in a good mood as she turned the deck before her. With a lot less fanfare than the two before her, she plucked out three cards - rather just pulling the cards her hands seemed to catch on rather than relying on any sort of mental draw. She'd found it worked better for her that way.
Still, class was starting and she found herself not minding that Shacklebolt jumped right in rather than spend the day lecturing as she had the week before. It was easily enough to put her in a good mood as she turned the deck before her. With a lot less fanfare than the two before her, she plucked out three cards - rather just pulling the cards her hands seemed to catch on rather than relying on any sort of mental draw. She'd found it worked better for her that way.