Poor Mr. Darrow looked like someone had just told him Caroline would be setting out on a ship tomorrow. (Or perhaps that just how she hoped he might look if she did.) There were somethings that were entirely unavoidable though, faulty weather reports were one of them. “There is no way to control the weather, Evander.” Caroline found herself assuring him as the rain fell harder and harder down on them. She helped him gather their things, glancing around for Nimiane, she wasn’t quite sure where her chaperon had gone, but through the rain she couldn’t even see her.
Taking Evander’s extended hand Caroline stood up, feeling the icy chill as her dress began to stick to her skin. She grabbed the blanket that they had sat on, hoping perhaps in some way it might provide cover. Although cover against a storm was altogether not sufficient in the form of a blanket. She nodded at him, keeping a hold of his hand as they made a run for whatever was this way.
Taking Evander’s extended hand Caroline stood up, feeling the icy chill as her dress began to stick to her skin. She grabbed the blanket that they had sat on, hoping perhaps in some way it might provide cover. Although cover against a storm was altogether not sufficient in the form of a blanket. She nodded at him, keeping a hold of his hand as they made a run for whatever was this way.