August 31st, 1890
Fallon is fine, unless you have a preference. Some friends and coworkers call me Abernathy if you find Fallon to be too intimate.
Thank you for the scarf and socks. I put them on instantly and they're incredibly warm. Don't think they'll be removed any time soon.
Don't stress about not being able to visit if you get busy. By now you probably know the man I was locked in the Arctic with, Lachlan MacFusty - yes the one from the bludger incident,
is unconcious and has been since we got back. Not that anyone saw fit to tell me that I may have killed him after spending a bloody week keeping him alive. He flew most of our attempts off the ice, so I think that's why he's so ill and I'm not. By the end he was lethargic and obviously dying, but I thought us getting back home had saved him.
I'm sorry for going on. He just doesn't deserve to die for my mistake.
If you can make it, I'd be happy to see you.