The stunning spell had hit the bear, but Lachlan's slicing spell was the final strike for it. Fallon was too exhausted to further investigate the depths of the cave (was that a tunnel?) and instead sagged to the frozen ground. At least they had food now, even if she had no idea how to properly skin and cut into a polar bear.
"Thank you," she told him earnestly, both for getting them here safely and killing the bear. Fallon quickly cast the warming charm on the ground. "Sit, can you move your hands at all?" Her own hands were stiff, but they could survive if she couldn't move. He, on the other hand, had to be able to bear the brute force of the wind.
"Thank you," she told him earnestly, both for getting them here safely and killing the bear. Fallon quickly cast the warming charm on the ground. "Sit, can you move your hands at all?" Her own hands were stiff, but they could survive if she couldn't move. He, on the other hand, had to be able to bear the brute force of the wind.