"I'm not trying to cause a fight!" she protested looking towards Mikail for a moment as he basically stood there scolding them all like children, "but I do not see how it is far to her to continue the match without first speaking of how we can prevent this from happening again. That is how I'd want my memory honored. By making change, not by resuming as if it never happened." How could everyone make such light of it? It seemed as if Hassan was the only other one bothered by this. She paused, eyeing the others, arms crossed tightly against her chest. "Do not think I am scared, I am not and I do not wish to be thought of that way but I do not wish to be the next name plastered across the papers for killing a spectator. I don't wish for that to even be a headline again, no matter the name. I have family and friends in those stands that could have been killed and so do most of you."
Having said her piece, she fell silent, eyes cast downwards towards the ground as if it could shield her from the attention her outburst was sure to have gathered. "Will you keep us updated, at least, of what the British are planning?" to this, she directed the question both to Mikail and Yassine.
Having said her piece, she fell silent, eyes cast downwards towards the ground as if it could shield her from the attention her outburst was sure to have gathered. "Will you keep us updated, at least, of what the British are planning?" to this, she directed the question both to Mikail and Yassine.