"What the bloody hell do you think I'm doing?!" She nearly shouted, her temper flaring in a way it hadn't in years. "Just meandering through the snow, all willy nilly like?!" They needed to find shelter, somewhere outside of the blistering wind, and then — and only then — they could think of a more formalized plan. Once they had a fire to warm them that wouldn't be immediately extinguished by the wind.
She kept moving towards the cave she had spotted, her wand drawn and at the ready. Without gloves her fingers would be frozen stiff in the matter of minutes, but hopefully they wouldn't be out here that long. "There's a cave right there, once we're somewhere safe, then we can figure out where the bloody hell to go. I'm just as lost as you are here, MacFusty."
She kept moving towards the cave she had spotted, her wand drawn and at the ready. Without gloves her fingers would be frozen stiff in the matter of minutes, but hopefully they wouldn't be out here that long. "There's a cave right there, once we're somewhere safe, then we can figure out where the bloody hell to go. I'm just as lost as you are here, MacFusty."