Bragi watched Miss Evans a little uncertainly, wondering if his enthusiasm about the Ministry was a peculiarity rather than a common thing. And to her, an office job must seem ever so boring. But he was happy to see that she was delighted for him.
"International Magical Co-operation", he replied brightly. "They have an internship there that sounds fascinating. I'll learn all about the links and relationships between foreign Ministries and how we operate as one big global wizarding community. If I get the job, that is", he added modestly.
![[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]](
"International Magical Co-operation", he replied brightly. "They have an internship there that sounds fascinating. I'll learn all about the links and relationships between foreign Ministries and how we operate as one big global wizarding community. If I get the job, that is", he added modestly.
![[Image: bragi-sig.jpg]](