"The Ministry, the Moroccans, Mr. Prewett," she rattled off alternatives despite knowing none were as striking as the obvious. Lachlan had swung a bat and directly led to the death of an innocent woman. Such drama made for great headlines.
She sighed again and looked from him towards her drink. "She'll be there for awhile," Fallon said. "You'll think of her and her husband and the future they missed out on." Her kids, if she has them, though Fallon was smart enough not to mention that fact. "Eventually it won't be as fresh in your head. That takes time, though." Memories of the hostage's dead form flashed through her mind as her sad gaze met his once more. "So for now, we drink."
She sighed again and looked from him towards her drink. "She'll be there for awhile," Fallon said. "You'll think of her and her husband and the future they missed out on." Her kids, if she has them, though Fallon was smart enough not to mention that fact. "Eventually it won't be as fresh in your head. That takes time, though." Memories of the hostage's dead form flashed through her mind as her sad gaze met his once more. "So for now, we drink."