Unable to find it in himself to rise to meet her level of desperation, Phineas remained unnaturally calm with her accusations and insinuations.
"You were the one who could not control yourself long before this marriage truly headed south." No, the infidelity was certainly the nail in the proverbial coffin of what could have otherwise been a comfortable and somewhat affectionate marriage. "The lifestyle and comfort this marriage afforded you simply wasn't enough and that is on you, not me." How many other women would kill to be in her shoes?
"Do not mistake the apathy for anything other than a consequence to your actions. I get no joy out of your misery as it is not my fault." As the saying went, she made this bed and now she had to lie in it.
"You were the one who could not control yourself long before this marriage truly headed south." No, the infidelity was certainly the nail in the proverbial coffin of what could have otherwise been a comfortable and somewhat affectionate marriage. "The lifestyle and comfort this marriage afforded you simply wasn't enough and that is on you, not me." How many other women would kill to be in her shoes?
"Do not mistake the apathy for anything other than a consequence to your actions. I get no joy out of your misery as it is not my fault." As the saying went, she made this bed and now she had to lie in it.
Av by MJ