Adam noted that the woman wasn't thrilled by his fashion sense, but there was nothing to be done about it. He honestly didn't have much taste one way or another about these things even if he had the transfiguration skill to make it more elaborate. It was a good thing for him that men's fashion was so simple by comparison — and that most of his clothes were provided by his loving mother. Under normal circumstances he might have invited the pair of them to try and embellish it themselves, if they liked, since he didn't need the handkerchief back. Given how well the last attempt at spellcasting had gone over here, though, he thought he'd better not invite them to do anything. Whatever their magical talents might have been under normal circumstances, in their current state of excitement (or drunkenness, or both) they'd do much better just to sit and watch the match.
"I am," he answered with a modest nod. And then, although it was by no means required information nor even directly related to the question she'd asked, he added: "I'm training to be an auror."
"I am," he answered with a modest nod. And then, although it was by no means required information nor even directly related to the question she'd asked, he added: "I'm training to be an auror."