Jack laughed at her teasing taunt. their gambol through the flowers was proving to be more fun than the croquet had been. He wasn't a particularly good player, and the pace of the game bored him to tears usually. Running off on their own adventure was much more his speed than daintly knocking little balls through small metal arches.
'Miss Lynch I should hate for us to be enemies, arch nemesis even but I am a competitive man, I cannot possibly allow something like this to go unavenged.' he joked, and with large hands, he slapped the front of his dark suit sending puffs of loose pigment into the air causing him to end his joke in a cough.
'Miss Lynch I should hate for us to be enemies, arch nemesis even but I am a competitive man, I cannot possibly allow something like this to go unavenged.' he joked, and with large hands, he slapped the front of his dark suit sending puffs of loose pigment into the air causing him to end his joke in a cough.