There were female pirates, but those were far from the norm. Even Alfred had been skeptical of having a woman on board his ship, though he had eventually come around to the idea of an expedition. "Either way, I think I'd be more willing to take my chances if I were a man. Although, a friend of mine has been willing to discuss an expedition to find Avalon." Jo wasn't going to divulge the nature of her friendship with Alfred. Despite it being purely platonic, Zach somehow finding out about Alfred seeing her topless wasn't exactly attractive.
His commentary on her eyes had her taking a sip of her wine to hide her blush. Most men wouldn't have rambled about the shade of blue her eyes were, but then again Zach wasn't most men. "You do," she acknowledged with a warm smile. A faint hint of a blush was still on her cheeks. "They remind me of the sea in the Caribbean. Shockingly blue but with hints of green."
A bad habit? Merlin, Jo had hundreds of those. She raised her brow and quirked her head at his quill biting habit. Why on Earth would he bite a feather? "Better than biting your nails, I suppose," she shrugged, still somewhat skeptical. "I'm quick to assume things about people. It's a defensive mechanism, I think. I try not to, but it just happens sometimes." And not always for the better. The hand holding incident in Virginia was a prime example.
Jo had only one card to play next, and she knew it was bound to make him uncomfortable. However, she was competitive and refused to lose. Zach would understand, she hoped. The yellow star was played and it read, 'where is your favorite place to be kissed?' "Probably my neck, it's a hard choice."
His commentary on her eyes had her taking a sip of her wine to hide her blush. Most men wouldn't have rambled about the shade of blue her eyes were, but then again Zach wasn't most men. "You do," she acknowledged with a warm smile. A faint hint of a blush was still on her cheeks. "They remind me of the sea in the Caribbean. Shockingly blue but with hints of green."
A bad habit? Merlin, Jo had hundreds of those. She raised her brow and quirked her head at his quill biting habit. Why on Earth would he bite a feather? "Better than biting your nails, I suppose," she shrugged, still somewhat skeptical. "I'm quick to assume things about people. It's a defensive mechanism, I think. I try not to, but it just happens sometimes." And not always for the better. The hand holding incident in Virginia was a prime example.
Jo had only one card to play next, and she knew it was bound to make him uncomfortable. However, she was competitive and refused to lose. Zach would understand, she hoped. The yellow star was played and it read, 'where is your favorite place to be kissed?' "Probably my neck, it's a hard choice."