The blush on Miss Delaney's cheeks would have passed him by in days gone by but in the last few months he had become considerably better at noticing the subtle changed in ladies faces. Perhaps there was something more serious between Miss Delaney and the more respectable Darrow after all?
"As was dancing with you Miss Delaney," he said courteously, coming to the final steps. If he was any judge then he was definitely treading on toes but that was alright - so was she really! "I wish you a pleasant evening, hopefully you'll be able to visit the terraces before the sun sets entirely."
"As was dancing with you Miss Delaney," he said courteously, coming to the final steps. If he was any judge then he was definitely treading on toes but that was alright - so was she really! "I wish you a pleasant evening, hopefully you'll be able to visit the terraces before the sun sets entirely."