The laugh that escaped was unavoidable. It took over her whole body as she pressed her forehead against his shoulder. "Oh Darling," She breathed out, entirely amused. "Far safer than telling me no..." She hummed out, resuming her slow torture. He couldn't seriously be worried, could he? Eva supposed men didn't really know much about pregnancy, hell most women didn't, but Eva was not most women.
"We can take it slow if you're that nervous." She chuckled. Eva was positive nothing bad would happen, though she was still in awe she was pregnant at all, she rather thought at this point it would take a hell of a lot for things to go awry now. "Just take me upstairs before I change my mind." Or the nausea came back. The first was unlikely, but the latter came and went with the winds it seemed.
"We can take it slow if you're that nervous." She chuckled. Eva was positive nothing bad would happen, though she was still in awe she was pregnant at all, she rather thought at this point it would take a hell of a lot for things to go awry now. "Just take me upstairs before I change my mind." Or the nausea came back. The first was unlikely, but the latter came and went with the winds it seemed.