She had long since come to terms with her stature. Being physically smaller than most of the criminals she sought provided distinct challenges, but Fallon had adapted through her training to make her small frame work for her. Even so, being called tiny by an oaf made her skin crawl.
"I didn't see you dueling a kidnapper," she retorted with a bite. His disarming charm had provided her the opportunity needed to stun the criminal, but even while drunk she wouldn't confess to relying on a civilian's help. "You realize I'm a ministry official, right? I'm already unpopular." Men were generally intimidated by her and women didn't trust her. Maintaining popularity had never been a concern.
"I didn't see you dueling a kidnapper," she retorted with a bite. His disarming charm had provided her the opportunity needed to stun the criminal, but even while drunk she wouldn't confess to relying on a civilian's help. "You realize I'm a ministry official, right? I'm already unpopular." Men were generally intimidated by her and women didn't trust her. Maintaining popularity had never been a concern.