She had definitely heard that question, then. She even livened up a bit at it, which was promising enough. Grinning in return, he pulled her along genially enough to a space in the room, figuring, as he usually did, that politeness and pleasantries would get more out of her at the off than his... somewhat sarcastic moods, at least until he knew her. It all depended how impressionable she was.
“How are you finding it, so far?” He asked casually, over the music. “Is it all you expected?” Pausing first to lead her in a turn, Sam added with another deliberate smile, “Sampson, by the way.”
“How are you finding it, so far?” He asked casually, over the music. “Is it all you expected?” Pausing first to lead her in a turn, Sam added with another deliberate smile, “Sampson, by the way.”