Crystal had actually forgotten that there were other people around. That they'd been in the Great Hall, eating breakfast, when they'd seen Dunstan sitting there as if nothing had happened to cause his death.
She allowed Acacia to unceremoniously drag her out into the hall just outside.
She listened to Dunstan answer her question and took another deep breath. Just one little thing had changed. They'd been with Dunstan when the tigers had gotten out. Instead of him being in front of them, they'd been beside him and able to move before he was mauled.
"That isn't how we... remember the World Market ending, Dun." she said his nickname as if she couldn't believe he was still there, that despite having talked to him in the past five minutes, she still couldn't believe that her brother was alive.
That they didn't remember him not dying. What kind of twisted game was being played here? She was slightly relieved, however, that he didn't appear to remember dying.
"We... Dunstan, we remember you dying." those words sounded strangled coming from her.
She allowed Acacia to unceremoniously drag her out into the hall just outside.
She listened to Dunstan answer her question and took another deep breath. Just one little thing had changed. They'd been with Dunstan when the tigers had gotten out. Instead of him being in front of them, they'd been beside him and able to move before he was mauled.
"That isn't how we... remember the World Market ending, Dun." she said his nickname as if she couldn't believe he was still there, that despite having talked to him in the past five minutes, she still couldn't believe that her brother was alive.
That they didn't remember him not dying. What kind of twisted game was being played here? She was slightly relieved, however, that he didn't appear to remember dying.
"We... Dunstan, we remember you dying." those words sounded strangled coming from her.