(July 7, 2020 – 4:44 AM)Ursula Black Wrote: If Charles ever gets his duel, my gut instinct would not be for avada kedavra for a variety of reasons already mentioned. Also Charles is a giant asshole but he's not got an illegal dark magic fascination or a desire to lose everything and rot in Azkaban.
I'd have thought there would be different styles of duel and duel etiquette and the one you'd go for would depend on the context of the challenge. Charles, for example, would either opt for a low stakes duel if the challenge was made publicly but ideally he'd prefer a very discreet, less gentlemanly sort of aggressive duel but not to the death, more like first to cause injury but it might get heated and go a bit too far.
Obviously this needs to happen IC so we can all see your explanation in action ;)
— set by MJ <3 —