‘‘Of course!’’ Cee replied. As if there was any question about that. She couldn't wait to see what the other countries had to offer in terms of Quidditch talent. She had long been telling Theo that they needed to update the Cannons' roster.
She would have liked to remain in Mr. Devine's company a little longer, seeing that they had so much in common, but her time was up! Cee played one last hand and hoped that she wouldn't leave the next player in a difficult position. She got distracted by the Quidditch talk and made some rash decision and as such wasn't leaving behind a very good hand...
/Cee out
She would have liked to remain in Mr. Devine's company a little longer, seeing that they had so much in common, but her time was up! Cee played one last hand and hoped that she wouldn't leave the next player in a difficult position. She got distracted by the Quidditch talk and made some rash decision and as such wasn't leaving behind a very good hand...
/Cee out