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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Excitement in the Air
The fact that Zachariah was meeting her revelation with positivity and not with doubt or criticism set Juliana's spirits even higher. She had trusted Zach, of course, which was why she'd brought this to him in the first place, but there was still the germ of worry that had been lingering in her mind. That was the reason she hadn't told him the subject matter she was writing on sooner, because she anticipated that he would be at least a little disapproving. Not in a judgemental way, necessarily, but in a protective way. Cavorting around with werewolves wasn't exactly something recommended to keep young ladies safe and sound. True, she'd been careful most of the time, but she had taken occasional risks that she knew would have made her mother's hair stand on end if she knew about them.

But it was all worth it now, to be published!

"I've been working on it for years, that's how," she explained, nearly gushing. "I've taken out ads in the papers and posted them in taverns and exchanged a lot of letters, and I even had a few real interviews," she continued. "Where we both arrived by separate doors and there was a charmed screen between us to keep either of us from identifying the other. That's the only reason I started working in the first place, you know — I had to have money to pay for it, and to compensate my subjects for their time. No one else knows, of course — I think Mother thinks I spend it all on biscuits and candy," she said with a giggle.

"And yes, to your first point; it's the thing I care about more than anything else," she continued enthusiastically. "These people I talk to are all so human, Zach, and they're never treated that way, and I hope when my research is all published, that can change. I'm not embarrassed about it in the least bit," she insisted. "I would have published under my own name, if I thought they would have given it a second glance. I don't care about how it's received," (this was not entirely true, but in the moment Jules believed it) "...but a professor has a lot more credibility than a Hogwarts drop-out."

Prof. Marlowe Forfang


Messages In This Thread
Excitement in the Air - by Juliana Ainsworth - April 5, 2020 – 7:40 PM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Zachariah Binns - May 24, 2020 – 9:35 PM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Juliana Ainsworth - June 1, 2020 – 11:59 PM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Zachariah Binns - June 14, 2020 – 6:59 PM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Juliana Ainsworth - June 24, 2020 – 3:05 AM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Zachariah Binns - June 28, 2020 – 7:04 PM
RE: Excitement in the Air - by Juliana Ainsworth - July 1, 2020 – 5:37 PM
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