While Cee would like to find love at some point in her life, she didn't view balls as hunting grounds for a husband. She enjoyed dancing for the sake of it. She knew, of course, that Mr. Crouch was married, but she saw nothing wrong with dancing with him, seeing that they'd been talking for the last ten to fifteen minutes. Besides, he was a bit on the shorter side, so even if he was single, Cee would have had a difficult time taking him seriously as a husband prospect.
"That would be this polka," Cecily replied, showing him the card. It was charmed, so Mr. Crouch's name appeared next to the song's name.
They had a pleasant dance and then parted ways.
"That would be this polka," Cecily replied, showing him the card. It was charmed, so Mr. Crouch's name appeared next to the song's name.
They had a pleasant dance and then parted ways.