Full Name: James Donald MacdowallNicknames: Scotch
Birthdate: January, 3rd, 1844
Current Age: 44
Occupation: Auror
Reputation: 9 Due to known anger issues after his accident.
Residence: Caisteal Macdowall, Loch Fyne, Scotland.
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Wand: Blackthorn, 14 1/2", Slightly Springy, Single Phoenix Tail Feather
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
Wife: Alora McCallister-Macdowall((Pure-blood)) (39)
Son: Alistar William Macdowall ((Pure-Blood)) Auror in Training (18)
General Appearance:
Eyes: Ice blue
Wand Hand: Right
Hair: Black
Height: 6ft 6in
Look Description: James is tall and broad, with medium length black hair with tinges of silver, and unnerving ice blue eyes.
Dressing Style: He is always seen wearing well made suits, when not on duty. He tends to wear either dark blue or black.
Family History:
House Macdowall is descended from a clan that had lived in Scotland since written history.It became fairly well established , and Clan Macdowall was known for turning out many Aurors.
Personal History:
James was born on January third 1844 to William Macdowall and Emily Mcgonagall. When he turned eleven he was enrolled in Hogwarts, and shorted into Gryffindor. He graduated with high marks in all his classes, specializing in DADA and Transfiguration. He enrolled in Auror training during the next training season and on his first official patrol had a run in a rogue werewolf (unturned) whom was attacking a young woman. He ended up saving her, but suffered a nasty bite which has left a scar. He still suffers temper issues on full moons, despite being normally calm and level headed. They were married shortly after. His son was born March 6th, 1869. he has been proud of his son, providing him with extra training at home, though not allowing him to practice magic outside of Hogwarts, the theoretical and physical training has prepared Alistar to follow in his footsteps.
Auror Related Grades
Potions: E
Herbology: E
Transfiguration: O
Charms: O
Personality: He still suffers temper issues on full moons, despite being normally calm and level headed. He appreciates a good drink when he is off duty.
Name: JosephAge: 21
Contact: PM any character.
Other Characters: Nathan Blackwell, Damen Thornton
How did you hear about us?: Old Soul