"They won't if we remain passive about them," Cee commented. The only way for social change to occur was for people to fight back against the status quo and demand change.
"We would still be working at a Lord's field, with him having complete control over our life, hadn't some people decided that they had had enough of it," she added with a shrug. Granted, England still had a monarchy and so did most of the countries in Europe but things had changed since the middle ages. People were able to start a business and have a chance of accumulating wealth whereas in the past that was a reserved right to the aristocracy. The lived in an era of social upheaval and revolutions.
"Or don't you think that we as women have some control over our life and that we can bring social change?" She had eloped with a man she presumably loved!
"We would still be working at a Lord's field, with him having complete control over our life, hadn't some people decided that they had had enough of it," she added with a shrug. Granted, England still had a monarchy and so did most of the countries in Europe but things had changed since the middle ages. People were able to start a business and have a chance of accumulating wealth whereas in the past that was a reserved right to the aristocracy. The lived in an era of social upheaval and revolutions.
"Or don't you think that we as women have some control over our life and that we can bring social change?" She had eloped with a man she presumably loved!