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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Wilhemina Vos
Full Name: Wilhemina Vos
Nicknames: Mina
Birthdate: April, 19th 1870
Current Age: 20 years old
Occupation: Pendergast Rose
Reputation: 8 - Mina sits comfortably at a reputation of 8 mainyl because of her timid natures and apparent hysteria diagnosis, society sees her as a tragic girl.
Residence: The Pendergast School for Young Roses, Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Unknown
Wand: Yew, 8 1/2 inches, Unicorn Hair
Blood Status: Half-Blood
Social Class: Upper Middle
Jonna Vos - Mother - 33 years old †
Albert Vos - Father - 44 years old †
Aunt Rebecca - Aunt - 55 years old
Uncle James - Uncle - 56 years old
Appearance: Many who have met Mina have said that she is a young woman with a very pleasent and easy face with a long auburn hair that she wears up. While Freckled from her years spent growing up in Sumatra, those who know her from her time in England would say she has a pale and almost sickly complextion- this is in part due to the purple circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Though no one but she sees this, Mina has a variety of burn scars about her persons though most have faded so they are no longer visible except the few on her arms and upper chest which are quite severe and she uses clothing to covers these up in public. Due to her Aunt being very comfortably upper middle class, Mina can be seen wearing popular fashions in soft blues and purples in accordance to the dress code of The Pendergast School for Young Roses. If she had her way, she would wear much more laid back, less fashionable outfits such as a cotton shirt paired with cotton skirts in a variety of soft neutral colours and pale blues.

Mina is right handed.
April 19th 1870 - Wizarding Dutch official, Albert Vos and his wife Jonna welcome their first and only child Wilhemina Vos- named for Albert's mother. She is born in the early hours of the morning, on the Southern Coast of Sumatra.
April 3rd 1874 - Wilhemina shows her first signs of possessing magic. Due to local superstitions, Wilhemina is restricted to remaining in the house until she is able to control her magic. She is homeschooled by her mother, who teaches her the basics of magic during her early years.
June 18th 1880 For that summer, Wilhemina and her family travel to Hogsmeade where Wilhemina acquires her first wand from Ollivanders on a day trip to London.
September 1st 1880 Wilhemina and her family return to Sumatra, alongside a Governess hired to continue Wilhemina magical education, as well as other skills.
April 19th 1883 Wilhemina and her family celebrate her 13th birthday- this is the last birthday they celebrate as a family together. She recieves a diary as her gift from her parents.
May 19th 1883 Wilhemina notes in her diary the clouds she can see from the nearby island of Krakatoa- this comes after several months of tremors which she noted that her mother believed to be getting worse. Over the next few months until August 25th, Wilhemina notes in her diary the worsening eruptions she can see from her bedroom window.
August 25th 1883 Krakatoa's eruptions intensify and late into the evening a small tsunami hits the shoreline where Wilhemina and her family live. Wilhemina and her parents survive the wave but they stay put at their home near the shoreline of Sumatra.
August 27th 1883 In the early hours of the morning, Wilhemina and her family are woken by an explosion at Krakatoa. Terrified, they flee their home but are swept up by the 40ft tsunami which washes the shoreline. Her mother manages to apparate with Wilhemina further inland but her father is swept away by the wave. Their lungs burning from the volcanic ash, Wilhemina and her mother seek shelter in a small wizarding village in the lowlands of Rajabasa. The two of them spend the next few hours waiting for Dutch officials to arrive at the village an rescue them, but they do not come. At around 10am, the volcano erupts again sending a shockwave so loud and powerful, Wilhemina finds her ear drums ruptured. She is still reeling from the effects of the explosion when the pyroclastic flow hits the village they are sheltering in- Wilhemina is found the only survivor several hours later by Dutch Wizarding officials tasked with evacuating the village. She is taken from the village to a wizarding hospital in Jakarta.
October 3rd 1883 Her Aunt makes arrangements for her to be transferred to St. Mungos in London- this prove notoriously difficult due to the extent of Wilhemina's burns but she makes the trip to London via flying carriage.
Decembe 1st 1883 Wilhemina is discharged from hosptial and returns to her Aunts home in Hogsmeade where she spends the majority of the next several years healing and mourning her parents. She continues her education for under her Aunt's tutalage for the next year or so.
September 1st 1885 Mina's aunt enrolls her into The Pendergast School for Young Roses much to her dismay.

Personality: Mina is first and foremost quiet. She tends to keep to herself though has a kind and friendly personality. She is intelligent despite her quiet nature.
Other: Was taught magic by her mother and Governess in Sumatra
Sample Roleplay Post: [At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.]
Name: Ali
Age: 25
Contact: PM/Discord/SKype
Other Characters: Briar Figg
How did you hear about us?: Lady!

Messages In This Thread
Wilhemina Vos - by Wilhemina Vos - June 15, 2020 – 4:25 PM
Wilhemina Vos - by Cassius Lestrange - June 16, 2020 – 5:39 PM
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