The noise coming from the woman in the white top was lingering in that indecipherable gulf between laughter and tears and shrieking, which was, for the ease of confused men like Adam, generally labeled hysterics. He had no idea what to make of it, but he was inclined to think it wasn't a good noise — perhaps simply because he was here in a security capacity, and had wandered over already expecting some sort of trouble. Trouble this might be, but he was having trouble deciphering exactly what kind of trouble. There were no injuries that he could see, nor was anyone fleeing the scene or acting aggressively. Maybe this was, despite the commotion, a mundane occurrence.
Except the other woman spoke up then, and her explanation was anything other than mundane. Adam blinked at her, not even sure how to start responding to that. "I'm sorry — you what?" he asked, turning his eyes incredulously back to the white-topped woman, who was moving too much for him to get a good look at the... ahem, area in question. It was hard to tell from just a glance, but it did appear that something under her shirt was... moving.
Except the other woman spoke up then, and her explanation was anything other than mundane. Adam blinked at her, not even sure how to start responding to that. "I'm sorry — you what?" he asked, turning his eyes incredulously back to the white-topped woman, who was moving too much for him to get a good look at the... ahem, area in question. It was hard to tell from just a glance, but it did appear that something under her shirt was... moving.