Here are some random family thread/plot ideas! If you like one, feel free to go ahead and start a thread or discuss or whatever you fancy. ^_____^
Similarly, if anyone reading this does not play an Umbernauld, you are very welcome to one. ^____^
Madeleine Backus Cassius Lestrange Aldous Crouch Roberto Devine Calla Potts
- A part of Windkirk Manor catches fire. Turns out it was an inside job, for reasons TBD (one of the kids? One of the servants? One of the adult Umbernaulds for some profound reason of self-sabotage or depression?).
- One of the Umbernaulds brings home a STRANGER. Nobody else trusts the stranger.
- An Umbernauld (or multiple) find the servants Allie and Magaidh KISSING (but I thought they were sisters!!) and your character is like "wait what gayness is a thing?"
- One of the items they stole ages ago turns out to be cursed af. (Deadly illness? Transfiguration? A silencing curse? etc.)
- An Umbernauld finds a wanted poster of themselves in Edinburgh.
- A passing traveller (preferably played and not NPC!) is like super-rich and naive, and they need help, and it is SO HARD not to bandit them.
- A mysterious assailant, for reasons unknown, makes an attempt on the lives of at least two Umbernaulds, as if intending to wipe out the family. They are probably a past victim.
- One of the Umbernaulds is mugged by a bandit, heh.
Similarly, if anyone reading this does not play an Umbernauld, you are very welcome to one. ^____^
Madeleine Backus Cassius Lestrange Aldous Crouch Roberto Devine Calla Potts