June 27th, 1890 - Portree Stadium
"Lopakalaka takes aim at Zavala and shoots- but Zavala makes the block, he however runs into the goal post in the process and the quaffle is dropped- he likely has some bruising after that one! Kirke is really going to need to work on that aim if he plans to get anywhere in this match, his latest attempt is also a miss as is that of the Hawaiian beater I would hate to meet in a dark alley alone at night. Bludgers are everywhere and the quaffle is loose!"
0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
A | |||||
B | N | ||||
C | O--- | KC AR |
BL RB | ---O | |
D | KH KB TK AP | * L* | |||
E |
<-- LEFT | RIGHT --> | |||
Hawaiian Score Zone | British Score Zone |
010 Hawaii || Britain 000
* = Bludger Positions
Game Play Directions
**Please Tag @"Elsie Beauregard" with your moderation needs**