'Come on then!' he offered smiling and heading towards low columnaid that separated the green from the flower beds. He was already half way down the first pathway when the flowers starting spitting at him, powdery puffs of pale green, blue and pink. 'Oh Merlin' he exclaimed, having forgotten entirely about the blasted flowers and their 'charming' trick of spitting those insipid colours at them!
He was trying as best as he could to defend himself the onslaught of the flowers with the broad palms of his hands, with a laugh he looked over at his companion and raised an joking eyebrow. 'Now look what you've got us into!' he exclaimed his voice full of laughter at the harmless powders affronting the fabric of his previously pristine morning suit.
He was trying as best as he could to defend himself the onslaught of the flowers with the broad palms of his hands, with a laugh he looked over at his companion and raised an joking eyebrow. 'Now look what you've got us into!' he exclaimed his voice full of laughter at the harmless powders affronting the fabric of his previously pristine morning suit.