Firecrest was not the first in the family to wilt at the concept of hanging up his dirk for a more normal life, but certainly the major changes of this year had affected him the most — for his twin had been the catalyst.
"Aye, well, we havtae make oor ain fun these days", Shrike observed sagely, before accepting the pint and taking a long swig. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Fer example — any bonny lassies come in th' day? I clocked that wee dressmaker making eyes at ye jus' last week."
"Aye, well, we havtae make oor ain fun these days", Shrike observed sagely, before accepting the pint and taking a long swig. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. "Fer example — any bonny lassies come in th' day? I clocked that wee dressmaker making eyes at ye jus' last week."