The pot of curry had been simmering away for a little while now. For precisely how long Harper wasn't entirely sure. He may have lost track of time since Philip arrived. Which had thrown him for a total loop, and he still wasn't sure why. Maybe he should whip up a draught of peace later. But for now all he needed to do was add a splash of tamarind water and vinegar and the curry was ready. Transferring it into a silver serving bowl, he carried it back around into the dining room.
Rounding the corner, he found Philip standing near the table. "Here we are then - mutton curry. And I don't know what came over me earlier, I think I must be stressed about you judging my cooking skills today. I hope it turns out alright." Laying down the serving platter on the table between the two table settings, he turned to the buffet table and retrieved a matching silver serving spoon. "I would love to give you a tour of the house once dinner is finished if you would like?" he said as he pulled out his chair and sat down.
Rounding the corner, he found Philip standing near the table. "Here we are then - mutton curry. And I don't know what came over me earlier, I think I must be stressed about you judging my cooking skills today. I hope it turns out alright." Laying down the serving platter on the table between the two table settings, he turned to the buffet table and retrieved a matching silver serving spoon. "I would love to give you a tour of the house once dinner is finished if you would like?" he said as he pulled out his chair and sat down.