Terms. Beau had to stiffle a laugh at her seriousness. One shared night wasn't going to spark an affection deep enough to risk their friendship. Hell, two nights likely wouldn't do it either. Beau had several faithful partners over the years of which none developed into a relationship worth mentioning. Intimacy was more about the release to him than anything else.
Which made her terms easy enough to agree to. "That all? Should I wear a bag over my head so you don't have to look at me?" Beau teased as he lightly began to trace random shapea along her spine. He would if she asked him to, not that he'd be pleased to do so.
Which made her terms easy enough to agree to. "That all? Should I wear a bag over my head so you don't have to look at me?" Beau teased as he lightly began to trace random shapea along her spine. He would if she asked him to, not that he'd be pleased to do so.