April 25th, 1890 — The Painted Lady
The time was coming fast for Clarissa to finally debut into society. She had enjoyed her time as a Pendergast Rose but she was looking forward to joining her friends that were already out in society. Such as Eloquence! She had owled the other young lady that she would be home in Hogsmeade on Saturday. Her parents had signed her out for the weekend and she would have to go back Sunday Night. They had only done this so that she could attend her fitting for her Coming Out gown at Lyttons. The affair was planned for June so the gown was going to be a light, summery thing.But she had April and May to get through yet. For now, she was just glad for this little bit of stolen time with a friend that her parents didn't wholly approve of. Not that she had ever shared that fact with Eloquence for Clarissa was the sort that did not want her friends feeling badly for things that could not be helped.