Shockingly she wasn't satisfied with the answer she received. It depends was hardly useful, not that he could truthfully say anything else if that really was the case. "Thank you ever so much for your insightful suggestions," the sarcasm was palpable, "it's a shame you couldn't be so helpful with the actual answer to my question." Waiting required patience and that was not something Tig had in abundance. If she'd waited to drink the potion until she'd asked such a question she might well have waited until bed time and slept through the waiting part instead. "I had thought I might have it out of the way before dinner and whatever else I might've wanted to do this afternoon but I guess not!" She folded her arms across her chest and glowered at him. If he was going to ruin her day, how might she ruin his in return? "I hope you've at least been slightly less useless preparing for the worst and know what you'll do if it does go wrong or does your incompetence have no limit?" It suddenly dawned on her that the words coming out of her mouth were far more abusive than they ordinarily would be considering how little provocation she'd received.