What: Surprise Birthday Party for Theodore Gallivan (sorry Theo)Who: Hosted by a very eager Cee who wants to cheer her brother up. Invited are:
- All players of the Chuddley Cannons.
- Sponsors of other Quidditch teams, Quidditch players except for those who play for the Falmouth Falcons, and other Quidditch involved people that aren't known murderers.
- Theodore's old Ministry co-workers. (so aurors-in training etc)
- Anyone who's friends with Theo, Cee or their stepmother.
- Old classmates that the Gallivans were reasonably friendly with.
Why: Because it's Theo's birthday!
When: April 28th
The Chuddley Cannons' stadium will be used as an open space to host a garden party of sorts. Think white tents with food and drinks, a podium serving as a dancefloor. Basically something like this.
Cee will have a fake letter arrive at the Gallivan home about the Cannons stadium having been destroyed by a fire. Cee will be all "omg Theo we must get there asap!!!1!", she'll side along aparate with him there and everyone will be waiting for them to surprise! him.
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