Maybe he should take a step out of noteworthy cases for a minute - actually do something fun, like Thom suggested. August doubted he would ever be fond of society, but he could try a bit more - and a break from representing the famously-accused would give him a moment. Of course, August also knew, even as he thought it, that he would go back on his word sooner or later.
"My mother would thank you for the suggestion," August said with a laugh. "We'll see if anyone needs me before the summer."
With the Quidditch World Cup back in town, he anticipated that he was going to have to learn more about the national roster and the foreign teams if Thom was going to talk to him at all during the summer.
"My mother would thank you for the suggestion," August said with a laugh. "We'll see if anyone needs me before the summer."
With the Quidditch World Cup back in town, he anticipated that he was going to have to learn more about the national roster and the foreign teams if Thom was going to talk to him at all during the summer.