The food was good - no, the food was perfect, but nothing really compared to the sound of Philip laughing. Harper didn't know what it was, but for some reason no matter how he was feeling that laugh was so infectious, and so cheering, it would brighten him up without fail. Harper could no longer hold any attempt at mock outrage and cracked a wide smile and joined in the laughter.
It was in Philip's last words that he heard a tone he couldn't quite identify. It was sometime beyond the laughter that was just ringing through the store. Perhaps just a move to a serious and sincere statement? Harper internally brushed it aside for now. "Well I am honoured." Harper patted his hand down on Philip's thigh near his knee. "A true friend can be hard to find, and I thank you for your friendship and of course your hospitality."
It was in Philip's last words that he heard a tone he couldn't quite identify. It was sometime beyond the laughter that was just ringing through the store. Perhaps just a move to a serious and sincere statement? Harper internally brushed it aside for now. "Well I am honoured." Harper patted his hand down on Philip's thigh near his knee. "A true friend can be hard to find, and I thank you for your friendship and of course your hospitality."