Since Mr. Lintor (the insufferable cad) was taking over some of the responsibilities and shifts at the shop Jo's time had cleared up considerably. The man had a horrendous work ethic and completed only bits and pieces of the job, but Mars hadn't complained thus far so Jo's hands were tied in terms of firing the bastard. All she knew was if Mr. Lintor was her employee on an excavation he would be removed immediately. Jo had no patience for ineptitude when it came to work.
"You must be alive if you're able to sass me." She teased as she plopped herself on the opposite end of the sofa. "Mars hired some idiot to manage the shop, so I'm off the hool somewhat. At least until she realizes what a fool he is."
"You must be alive if you're able to sass me." She teased as she plopped herself on the opposite end of the sofa. "Mars hired some idiot to manage the shop, so I'm off the hool somewhat. At least until she realizes what a fool he is."