On finding the door locked, Adam had glanced around to take better stock of his company in the room, and had only really recognized one other person — an Unspeakable from the Ministry. Anyone from the Ministry, he figured, was not very likely to have been in on the planning side of this ordeal (unlike the girl who could recognize woods out of doors and the blond who wanted them to look for keys, whom he was still uncertain of). He would have made his way over to her, but was spared the trouble as she approached him instead.
"No," he remarked to her comment, with a slight frown at the door. He was speaking quietly, just intended for her to hear and not the entire room. "Particularly since I don't know what sort of spell they're using to secure it. Could backfire." Which, given how crowded the room was already, was just about the last thing they wanted.
Luckily, people didn't seem to be panicking yet, and the walls weren't closing in or anything, so. They had some time.
"This door is magically locked," he told the gaggle of women with the keys. "Finding one to fit that door seems like the best —" course of action, he would have said, except he was interrupted by the debutante who was now wielding an ax.
Well, that gave them significantly less time before people started to panic, then.
"I, uh, doubt that will be useful," he said, voice soothing. He shot the other Ministry woman a look and reached out slowly towards the ax. "Why don't you give that over?"
(He was of no mind to pay attention to any more of these strange clues, whatever language they were in, until the debutante had been safely disarmed. Just in case).
"No," he remarked to her comment, with a slight frown at the door. He was speaking quietly, just intended for her to hear and not the entire room. "Particularly since I don't know what sort of spell they're using to secure it. Could backfire." Which, given how crowded the room was already, was just about the last thing they wanted.
Luckily, people didn't seem to be panicking yet, and the walls weren't closing in or anything, so. They had some time.
"This door is magically locked," he told the gaggle of women with the keys. "Finding one to fit that door seems like the best —" course of action, he would have said, except he was interrupted by the debutante who was now wielding an ax.
Well, that gave them significantly less time before people started to panic, then.
"I, uh, doubt that will be useful," he said, voice soothing. He shot the other Ministry woman a look and reached out slowly towards the ax. "Why don't you give that over?"
(He was of no mind to pay attention to any more of these strange clues, whatever language they were in, until the debutante had been safely disarmed. Just in case).