What: An Enchanted Easter Brunch: Croquet and Egg HuntWho: Hosted by Evalina Rosier for UC/MC folk with a rep of 7+! Kids and adults alike!
Cost: Donations
Where: Ravenwood Manor, London England
Why: For Easter
When: Easter Sunday (April 5th)
- ARRIVAL: What are normally the iron gates of Ravenwood Manor have been replaced by a curtain of greenery and pastel flowers that part when guests arrive. The curtain goes all the way down the main drive and parts to let the carriages through. Guests may pluck various flowers from the greenery which then turn into tiny little eggs. The gifted eggs hatch as the afternoon comes to a close and reveal small trinkets such as rings, seeds to plant in the garden, pocket watches, etc.
- ADULT'S FESTIVITIES: There are various lawn activities spread out over the grounds. Guests may participate in lawn tennis, croquet and archery. Upon participation, they may realize, however, that their equipment seems to have minds of their own! Croquet balls are transfigured to look like animals and scurry away from their owners (they are clearly made out of croquet ball material though so as to not make it seem like the hostess condones animal cruelty). The same for tennis balls and the tips of arrows, which are transfigured to look like bird's beaks. Think the croquet scene from Alice in Wonderland.
- CHILDREN'S FESTIVITIES: There would not be an Easter party without an egg hunt! The catch? The eggs sprout legs once you spot them and run away! Whats more is once they run into a flower garden, the flowers will spray you and the eggs with puffs of colored (temporary) pigment! Guests can tell who's been in the enchanted flower garden by the bright pastel colors on their garments.
- FOOD: A traditional Easter brunch will be served to tables scattered throughout the grounds.
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i refuse to break myself into bite sized pieces
i will stay whole, and you will
i will stay whole, and you will