What: National Team Try Out Celebration
Who: Thom hosting for those who tried out, their friends/families, and folks in/adjacent to the Quidditch industry
Cost: N/A
Where: Puddlemere Stadium
Why: Quidditch parties are his thing.
When: Tuesday April 7th following try-outs
Beneath the stands in that concession/ lobby area will be lifesize replicas of each player who tried out (think like cardboard cutouts but magical so they can smile and wave and stuff) each atop a pillar, the size of which is meant to represent their odds of making the team. Guests can exchange tickets to grow or shrink the pillars of a particular player.
Food is free and so are the first two drinks; additional drinks can be purchased with tickets or acquired from the VIP rooms, below.
Thom's private box and a few adjacent ones will be set aside for "VIPs," which generally includes sponsors and their guests so that genteel UC folks don't have to socialize too much with the rabble (though they may if they choose).
There are no planned activities in the stands themselves so people interested in getting into trouble may head that way, but be careful- most of the stands are visible from the pitch since that's, you know, the point of sitting there.
Contact Player(s): Lynn