Holsten shrugged off her initial question. Had she asked, he would have told her the truth. Maybe. Probably. Truth was, he'd worked his arse off to get to where he had in his career. He was a damned good cursebreaker and he knew it. But it wasn't something that he'd come by easily, not the type of career that daddy could buy for a person. And, quite frankly, he didn't want to be judged about it.
"Like I said, I don't really tell anyone," he repeated before continuing on, "Look, I don't want people to judge me for it, think that I bought my way to where I am. And before you accuse me of anything else, I worked my arse off for everything I have."
He motioned around the flat. While, yes, it was definitely a higher end today, it was still sparse in everything. The furniture was basic, the only amount of decoration was in books and a couple of relics that a customer hadn't wanted and he'd kept. Otherwise it was bare bones. "My father may have helped to get me this place initially but he no longer pays for anything I do," he said bluntly, "I can't even tell you the last time I took any of my parent's money. And truthfully, the only time they offer is typically to try and bribe me into coming home for something."
"Like I said, I don't really tell anyone," he repeated before continuing on, "Look, I don't want people to judge me for it, think that I bought my way to where I am. And before you accuse me of anything else, I worked my arse off for everything I have."
He motioned around the flat. While, yes, it was definitely a higher end today, it was still sparse in everything. The furniture was basic, the only amount of decoration was in books and a couple of relics that a customer hadn't wanted and he'd kept. Otherwise it was bare bones. "My father may have helped to get me this place initially but he no longer pays for anything I do," he said bluntly, "I can't even tell you the last time I took any of my parent's money. And truthfully, the only time they offer is typically to try and bribe me into coming home for something."