To turn around meant to admit why she followed him in the first place. This dance was one she'd done before, so often, in fact, that the steps were more akin to muscle memory than conscious thought. And, admittedly, part of her wanted nothing more than to follow him up into his flat and fall into bed. To feel the rush of pleasure he was a master of getting from her.
Tonight, though, the other part — the wiser part knew better. Holsten had still lied to her for years. He had still slipped into shoes that weren't his to wear, and Jo wasn't prepared to further confront that tonight. "No. I don't think I am." She said confidently with no trace of a smile on her face.
Tonight, though, the other part — the wiser part knew better. Holsten had still lied to her for years. He had still slipped into shoes that weren't his to wear, and Jo wasn't prepared to further confront that tonight. "No. I don't think I am." She said confidently with no trace of a smile on her face.