A breath of relief left her as she heard his voice. Not dead yet, then, which was always a plus. Jo had been cursed more times than she could count, though most were broken in the matter of minutes. The ones that hadn't left a series of scars on her arms and chest that were generally covered by the sleeves of her dress. None of the curses she'd experienced though were labeled as fatal. Whether it was Holsten or another on site cursebreaker they never left her to her devices and die.
"It's no problem." She shrugged with a smile. Jo dropped the clutch onto a nearby table (again quietly hoping her clothes didn't suddenly begin bursting out) and moved further into the room. "I wouldn't want to be alone either, if it were me." Jo had hardly allowed Saturn out of her sight when the worst curse was wrecking havoc. Having to bear the burden of her own mortality alone like he would have proven too much.
"What would help the most right now?" She asked tentatively. Did he want to talk about it? Avoid it? Be distracted? Jo didn't know him well enough yet to simply fall into action.
"It's no problem." She shrugged with a smile. Jo dropped the clutch onto a nearby table (again quietly hoping her clothes didn't suddenly begin bursting out) and moved further into the room. "I wouldn't want to be alone either, if it were me." Jo had hardly allowed Saturn out of her sight when the worst curse was wrecking havoc. Having to bear the burden of her own mortality alone like he would have proven too much.
"What would help the most right now?" She asked tentatively. Did he want to talk about it? Avoid it? Be distracted? Jo didn't know him well enough yet to simply fall into action.