Melody sighed heavily and reached for the potion bottle. Truthfully, she wished she would've taken it when he suggested last night, if only as an escape from the painful conversation they were doomed to have. She left the stopper in place for now, though she wasn't sure why. It wasn't as though there was anything left in her to vomit if the foul smell became too much. Nor did she feel sentimental towards the baby presently ruining her life. Ridding herself of it would be a relief.
All she had to do was drink the potion.
Still, she needed to have this conversation with Ben, first. Then, she could drink it and deal with the consequences, which hopefully didn't include death.
"Wanting out." Melody answered steadily. She had a plan if he did, though he most likely would fight her on it.
All she had to do was drink the potion.
Still, she needed to have this conversation with Ben, first. Then, she could drink it and deal with the consequences, which hopefully didn't include death.
"Wanting out." Melody answered steadily. She had a plan if he did, though he most likely would fight her on it.