Was there some sort of history between Zelda and Captain Darrow that Jo didn't know? Was what Jo had marked as mere coincidence something interesting? Her own interest in him stopped at a friendship (with or without the occasional tryst in the sheets as he allowed). But why else would Zelda seem as uncomfortable as she did? Hm. How odd.
"Working retail, believe it or not." Jo despised working at the antique shop. The days ticked by one eternally long second at a time. Hopefully, though, Mars would soon be able to return full time. And then Jo would be allowed to leave. "I'm staffing Heavenly Antiques most days for Mars. I'm so bored."
"Working retail, believe it or not." Jo despised working at the antique shop. The days ticked by one eternally long second at a time. Hopefully, though, Mars would soon be able to return full time. And then Jo would be allowed to leave. "I'm staffing Heavenly Antiques most days for Mars. I'm so bored."