Lysander turned six in three days, and August was still not entirely sure what to get him. He was a tenacious little child, stubborn and clever, and he had tendencies towards asthma. So he was trying to find something that was weird, and interesting, and while he had found some toys for his son he had not yet found the gift - something occupying and interesting and large. This was what brought him to the odd store, looking through the available trinkets. This may not be the best place to find something for a child, but August was determined that he would not go home from Diagon Alley today without - something.
He did not mean to scare the woman; in fact, August had just decided to leave when the door in the back appeared to slam. This place was weird. He started at the sound of her screech, nearly dropping his cane in the process.
"Apologies," August said, eyebrows raised. She looked like she was just about to have a heart attack, and he knew that he knew her name, but he could not quite place it. "I was just heading out myself."
He did not mean to scare the woman; in fact, August had just decided to leave when the door in the back appeared to slam. This place was weird. He started at the sound of her screech, nearly dropping his cane in the process.
"Apologies," August said, eyebrows raised. She looked like she was just about to have a heart attack, and he knew that he knew her name, but he could not quite place it. "I was just heading out myself."