Continuing with the pregnancy was a daunting prospect. Melody had scarcely held down more than bread in the past two days and was more exhausted than she would ever care to admit. Though, whether that was due to the pregnancy or the stress caused by their fight she might never know. The nausea had existed before, but not to this extent. At least before she was able to tolerate more than a bite of bread and a few sips of wine.
The vial hadn't been touched since she first placed it on the table when they fought. Melody wasn't sure if she trusted herself not to take it in Ben's absence, and once they got through this fight they were going to have a rational talk about it. Or so she hoped. The longer they went without addressing it, the greater the chances of it being ineffective. And then they would both have zero choice in the matter.
"I don't want to." She admitted with a heavy sigh. Perhaps that was why she hadn't consulted him in the first place. Perhaps Melody simply didn't want his opinion when her feelings were so resolved on the matter. It was a tragedy, for sure. It was a future she would never know — and she still didn't want it. She wasn't ready to be responsible for someone other than herself. Someone other than Ben.
"I was wrong for not telling you." Another quiet admission. Another spark that would likely lead to a heated argument. "When I'm scared I act, as you well know, and it's a fault I need to work on tremendously. I'm sorry."
The vial hadn't been touched since she first placed it on the table when they fought. Melody wasn't sure if she trusted herself not to take it in Ben's absence, and once they got through this fight they were going to have a rational talk about it. Or so she hoped. The longer they went without addressing it, the greater the chances of it being ineffective. And then they would both have zero choice in the matter.
"I don't want to." She admitted with a heavy sigh. Perhaps that was why she hadn't consulted him in the first place. Perhaps Melody simply didn't want his opinion when her feelings were so resolved on the matter. It was a tragedy, for sure. It was a future she would never know — and she still didn't want it. She wasn't ready to be responsible for someone other than herself. Someone other than Ben.
"I was wrong for not telling you." Another quiet admission. Another spark that would likely lead to a heated argument. "When I'm scared I act, as you well know, and it's a fault I need to work on tremendously. I'm sorry."